Both my mum and I have been enjoying this protein powder and feeling great when taking it! Sustained energy and overall feeling great! Definitely worth investing in!
I noticed a change straight away, I was shocked at how great i felt. Im two weeks in and it gets better. the first week I had a sore tummy as it was detoxing then it got bettter and better and Ive never felt better in my digestive system.
This is one of the nicest teas I’ve ever had. It’s soothing and calming and great to have after a meal. Tastes lovely and pepperminty.
I’ve been using this product for almost a month now. I can’t speak on how it’s helping me absorb nutrients as it states but I haven’t felt any difference in my overall self. Completely tasteless and easy to take in my water everyday.
I have always been sceptical about products that claim to reduce bloating, especially when food in my opinion is the only way to heal your gut. However, given the positive reviews and the added bonus of collagen I decided to give this product a go. After purchasing 2 jars over 2 months I am now a subscriber. This powder has changed my life - as an endometriosis and adenomyosis sufferer, I had to have a hysterectomy falling into surgical menopause and this is the only product that makes my stomach feel somewhat normal again! I mix it in with my smashed avo for breakfast or sweet potato mash for dinner. It's a daily must have for me!
I am just about at the end of month 2 and I am really pleased with my tummy bloating reducing significantly. My skin is not so dry and flaky and feeling more energetic.
I cant wait to see what month 3 brings me!
These little gems are such a great investment for health! Just wish they were a little cheaper, my daughter chows them down and always asks for more! She is really in tune with what her body needs! Pretty impressive for a 7 year old! Really recommend these if you struggle with energy levels!
Woooww this is THEE BEST protein I’ve ever had hands down! So clean, so kid friendly too that my 10yr old loves to have everyday as well. Its amazing! I could taste the difference when comparing to other protein powders I’ve had & definitely NO bloating afterwards, it’s so light & clean but so filling as well & overall love that it’s great for gut health as I have gut issues. Thanks so much loveyaguts🫶🏾
Great combination of natural products that have made a significant difference in my gut health. I also purchased Whey More Protein, and found this to be a top quality product as well. I loved the 30 day Nutrition Challenge which provided all the practical advice you need to restore your gut to good health